Friday, March 2, 2012

Coming Attractions

A quick shout-out to my OPK brethren for winning the "Audience Choice" award at the X96 Radio From Hell Film Festival! Our short was nothing like we originally planned. I know that several of us were nervous going into the Tower Theater that night (myself included), but it turned out better than suspected. It doesn't hurt that most of the other shorts were, frankly, awful. Of course all the filmmakers cheered loudest for their own films, but we had the advantage of having more people sporadically placed throughout the theater. So, here's to all the cast and crew for our award-winning short (a cop-out, I know), "Dream Plot"!
(action shot - us "watching our own movie")

(there's a lot of love here...)

(...but I have a lot of love to give!)

I realize I look very gay in these pictures, but the only alternative is me looking confused or apathetic. And I thought the last one was pretty funny, because Levi had no idea what I was doing.

Next, we have a dark comedy (my favorite!) planned. I don't want to give too much away, but it has to do with LARP'ing. Think No Country for Old Men with foam weapons and sexless fantasy geeks. Lance and Levi have been kicking this idea around for a while now, and I look forward to being part of the production.

I, myself, am in the brainstorming stages of writing two works - Witness, a screenplay, and The Hipster Suicides (Tentative Title), a story (I don't want to commit to novel-length, because I am easily distracted. especially when I start writing long, rambling rants about something and I forget what I'm talking about. man, I could really go for some Mongolian barbecue).

I probably don't say this as much as I ought to, but we at OPK have a lot of talent. Lance and Levi are serious, focused filmmakers. Mike is a very enthusiastic actor. Kurtis is a willing and capable performer. Tony is also incredibly talented, and knows how to identify talent (he also does his best acting while mildly inebriated and, no homo, wears the hell out of spandex pants). And he whom we call "Lance 2" is a damn good sound guy. And so, since I didn't think to do so earlier, I'd like to propose a toast. (holding up an imaginary fuzzy navel) To us! Cheers!

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