Thursday, December 22, 2011

Advent of Angst #4: And Now for Something Completely Different...

So, Christmas is upon us. I hope you've all learned something, and I'd like to think I put forth my best effort to inform you on it. But this, the final Advent of Angst of the season, will not be dedicated to the birth of Jesus (or rather, the Christian-friendly pagan holiday, for those of you paying attention), I'll be focusing on the birth of another important public figure; me.

Today is my 24th birthday. Not that that's worthy of much celebration - in fact, I don't really understand celebrating birthday anyway. I mean, it's basically just congratulating someone for going another year without dying. Not that I don't appreciate special attention, and I love gifts (whoever says they don't like getting presents is either a liar or stupid), and I definitely won't turn down a free dessert at a restaurant, but the way I see it, we shouldn't be celebrating the completion of years, but of life in general. What better time to do that than the New Year? New Year's Eve is kind of like a big birthday party already, only with more focus on the group than the individual. Everybody wins. Some more so than others, but that's life. All I'm gonna say is that I bet more children are conceived on New Year's than probably any other time except Valentine's Day (I haven't read any statistics on it, but it sounds entirely accurate in my head).

The past few years have felt numbingly familiar. I'd say years 21-23 all felt roughly the same, which in turn felt a bit like 18 or 19, so I was expecting it to happen again this year. But you know something? It doesn't feel the same. 'Cause I'm ready for a change.

(this is all I really want for my birthday; Carly Foulkes. that would be a welcome change!)

Don't get me wrong; living at home rent-free with your parents has its advantages (such as living rent-free), but it also has its drawbacks (such as living with your parents). I'm ready to move on. Get a real job (preferably something which doesn't involve making sandwiches for morons). Get a little crazy (yeah! this nerdy, virginal white boy is a real party animal - so long as it doesn't cut into his bedtime!).

I must say, this has been a satisfying birthday. The kind of birthday that makes me realize that life isn't so bad, that maybe I shouldn't abandon all hope in humanity (once you've given up on that, all you left is God, and I don't have much hope for that either). I spent some time with with my people, my OPK brothers, filming a skit with an alcoholic Santa before grabbing a bite to eat at Chili's (where my tab was graciously paid for by Tony and Kurt - thanks again, you guys. I owe you, and you know damn well what that means!). And I've enjoyed spending time with my family. My parents got me a nice a shirt and something (?) that has yet to arrive in the mail. My brother Vance got me a comic book called Bone, to which I look forward to nerding out (I always feel like Yoda when I try to speak proper English - dangle your participle, you mustn't!).

Well, I've enjoyed my birthday. And perhaps I've been to harsh on the secular celebration of birth. After all, it seems entirely appropriate to celebrate your birthday by giving life to a new paradigm.

The times, they are a-changin'. Indeed they are, Bob.

1 comment:

  1. I've always looked at birthdays as a celebration of life...but since cake is tradition, you gotta top it with the appropriate amount of candles, right?

    Glad your birthday was good!

    And also, you're welcome for "The Best of the Colbert Report." I've been excited to give it to you for something like 9 or 10 months... :)
